An Ode to the 'Awkward' Among Us 🥰

Hi there,

I have been thinking about the holiday season lately and how challenging this time of year can be for many of us.

It might make us think of those we miss or those who have harmed us.

Perhaps it’s difficult to celebrate and be joyful when there are so many horrible things happening in the world.

Maybe we don’t celebrate Christmas, yet it’s forced on us due to dominant culture.

Or perhaps it’s exhausting and anxiety inducing because of all the socialising we are expected to do.

I’ve been thinking of those of you who find this time of year rough, for whatever reason, a lot lately.

In doing so, as we fumble through peak socialising season, I’ve also been thinking about how much I personally struggle with social gatherings (even those where I am generally enjoying myself). I thought I’d share a poem I wrote in my journal about this a while back with you.


Not knowing what to say.
Not knowing what to do.

Hovering, awkwardly.

Do I stay?
Do I go?
As I attempt the small talk with you.

When is it socially acceptable
to walk away?

Oh, I hope I didn't get it wrong
yet again today.

For those of us who identify as introverted, shy, or neurodivergent (or perhaps like me, as all three!), you might relate with this poem. I want you to know that you are not alone.

Not only do I feel this way, but when I shared the poem on social media a while back, a number of people commented saying they felt this way too.

This holiday season, I hope you will take extra good care of yourself. And remember, your worthiness is not defined by how socially adept you appear.

Please know that I am thinking of you, quietly reminding you that you are valued exactly as you are, wishing those who celebrate a wonderful Christmas, and hoping the rest of December treats you well.


xo, Nai