The Little Things [June 2024]

Hi there,

Last month, I wrote about how things started out rocky with the sudden passing of a friend. June started out with sad news too, with the sudden passing of our family cat Mica (pictured above). 

At the end of each month, I usually write about the little things that have brought me joy and invite you to respond and let me know the highlights of your month too. Despite the experience of grief, there have been many joyful moments this month. 

So here goes with taking a moment to pause and recognise those moments now.

I decided to action some of the things I've always wanted to do but have never followed through on. I published a book, got pink hair, and got my first tattoo. SO FUN! Have you ever done, or wanted to do, any of these things too?
My poetry collection, You Will Find Your Way, made it to #3 on the bestseller list for Australian & Oceanic Poetry and #26 for international Poetry Subject and Themes. It hasn't yet made it to #1, but it was exciting to see a book authored by lil' ol' me gradually bump up the bestseller lists. Thank you so much to those of you who have read a copy and in doing so helped get it up there!

I got back into puzzling again. This used to be something I did over the Christmas holidays and I thought why not starting to do it whenever? It helps me stop with the busyness and do something just because it's enjoyableOr are there other things that you like to do to take a break and get out of your head for a while?

I read and fell in love with this poetry collection, Home Body by Rupi Kaur. I borrowed it from the library, but enjoyed it so much that I want to purchase a copy now. Big thanks to my friend Nicola Newman for this reading suggestion! If you haven’t read it yet, you should consider getting your hands on a copy too!

I went to a sunflower farm, Sunflowers On Kents in the Scenic Rim, and had a lovely time with friends picking flowers and enjoying the country. There are so many beautiful places to visit around where I live in South East Queensland, and I want to start taking time out to visit more of them over the months and years ahead.
As always, spending time in nature brought me joy again this month. For example, I took this video of a kangaroo and it's joey that made me pause and smile on one walk this month. Can you spot the joey?
Our Cavoodle, Fern, also brought a lot of joy and giggles this month, as always. Whether it be watching his ears flap in the wind as he enjoys a ride on my bike or watching him manage to sneakily pick up a paper coffee cup on a walk and refusing to drop it, there is never a dull moment when in his company. 
I would love if you would reply via the comments below, and let me know about the little (or big) things that have been bringing you joy lately too!


xo, Nai